Introducing children to a variety of language activities is necessary to establish a permanent interest in literacy. Montessori Language materials include Sandpaper letters, The Movable Alphabet, Object cards and boxes. The first step in teaching a child to read and write is to make them “sound |
conscious”; this is why we teach the phonetic sounds of the letters before the names. Once the child has mastered the sounds of the alphabet, they then can begin to build words with the Moveable Alphabet. This eventually allows reading to come easily and fun for the child. |
The child develops the sense of sight, sound, taste, touch, etc. through manipulation and experience with his surroundings. The purpose of sensorial materials is to refine and develop the child’s senses. It is throughout the senses that the child relates to his environment. Each piece of material isolates one definite quality of sense: color, size, weight, shape, texture, and sound. This |
stimulates extensive vocabulary building. The materials provide a basis for learning in an orderly manner which supports psychological and neurological development. Not only do they benefit immensely, they enjoy working with the various choices of material. |
The world of numbers and their function is presented to the child in a most logical, understandable, and exciting manner. Each mathematical concept is embodied in a concrete piece of material. Math becomes not a terrifying, but a vibrant and inviting |
new dimension. Dr. Montessori discovered that if a child could comprehend the numbers one through ten, then they are also capable of working with 100’s and 1000’s at the same level. Montessori math materials allow a child to easily grasp the values of abstract numbers. |
During children’s first few years of life, they experience a developmental period when they prefer to help adults with their activities. Some of the activities are pouring, sweeping, dusting, ect. While the children are absorbed in working with these |
materials, they are also developing their concentration, attention to detail, and coordination. These exercises are the foundation on which the child is prepare for reading and writing. |